how to get my wife to have more sex drive

Before you get upset that your wife has no sex drive, take a step back and evaluate what is really going on. My Wife Has No Sex Drive—Why? If your wife once had a healthy sex drive but no longer seems to want sexual relations, there might be a problem – and it’s not all in her head. Loss of sexual desire is a real, true problem for many I never have a problem getting my wife in the mood for sex. I tell my wife everyday that I love her that she is more beautiful now then when I meet her 12 years ago. But I mean every word I say it’s the truth she’s all that and then some to me send a text 1 or 2 twice a month don’t over do it. If stocking up on supplements sounds overwhelming, I have great news: all five of these libido-enhancing wonders are conveniently packaged in the FLO Living Balance Supplement Kit. Now that you have the knowledge, you just need the tools—you can and will restore your sex drive and get your groove back STAT, trust me! Love and ovaries, Alisa Q.

Menopause and hot flashes have taken my sex life away. My wife is 54 and started menopause at 46. For the past eight years it has been like I am married to my sister. My wife has no desire for Sex drive — also known as libido — is a natural part of the body’s maturation process that starts around puberty. If all goes well, both men and women will have an elevated sex drive well into adulthood. But if your wife happens to have a low sex drive, this can eventually lead to a problem with your relationship. I’m a 34-year-old man, married for 18 months. Early in our marriage, sex was better. My drive is high and I like variety, including anal sex, but my wife doesn’t have such a high sex drive. When Desire Dies: Bringing Your Sex Drive Back to Life. WebMD asked top sex experts to explain what happened to your libido and what you can do to get lovemaking back on track. Get the info you need to take charge of dealing with your faltering sex drive. Remember, sex is more than just fun.

It’s integral to most intimate relationships, and it’s also great for your overall health (but, yeah, it’s also really fun). Check out these benefits you probably weren’t even thinking about when you started reading this Do some weight training and cardiovascular training five or more days a week for 30 minutes. Get some zinc in your diet. Testosterone is the male sex hormone. If it is low, so is your sex drive. A way to boost it is by eating foods that are high in zinc. Some of these include oysters, bananas, artichokes, blackberries and avocados.

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